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Land of Sand and Stars
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Land of Sand and Stars

By Eugene William Lee
2008, 217 pages, Paperback.
Book Description from Back Cover
Comments from Back Cover
About the Author

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Book Description from Back Cover

In his book "Cressey: Land of Sand and Stars" Eugene Lee lovingly documents the life of a small agricultural town in California's Central Valley. It was a community made up of many immigrant cultures - Japanese, Mexican, Portuguese, and a scattering of Anglo Saxons. All were struggling to establish families and to survive. United in their love for the United States, they shared their meager earnings as a community getting through the hard times of the Great Depression, World War II, and the Japanese Internment.

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Comments from Back Cover

"The book is well-written. The anecdotes are terrific. The stories are excellent. Very people oriented."
- Roger Hoskins, Staff Writer Modesto BEE

"Readers will get a flavor of what it was like to grow up in those years. Very readable and charming book."
- Jacque Meriam, County Librarian Merced County

"The book presents a personal perspective on growing up during the Depression and World War II."
- Sara Lim, Director Merced County Courthouse Museum

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Background on Eugene William Lee

Eugene Lee graduated from Bob Jones University, went on to seminary, and is an ordained Presbyterian minister. His background in Cressey led him to be a missionary in Latin America. He worked among farmers in the interior of Venezuela and later served in Mexico City and Bogota, Colombia. In later years he worked in business and industry in the U. S. He and his wife Jeanne Marie make their home in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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