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Cut & Assemble Paper Dragons That Fly
8 Full-Color Models
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Cut & Assemble Paper Dragons That Fly
8 Full-Color Models

By David Kawami
1987, 32 pages, Paperback.
Book Description From the Back Cover

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Book Description From the Back Cover

Toys that fly and the magical fascination of mythical monsters make this collection of cut & assemble dragons doubly appealing. Papercraft expert David Kawami has created eight colorful beasts - complete with scales, batlike wings and ferocious stares - that beginning as well as advance model builders can easily construct and set into motion.

By following simple step-by-step instructions and explanatory diagrams even the most inexperienced hands can fashion the imaginative and delightfully harmless creatures in this book.

Simply cut out each wing and body structure, fold and score along broken lines with a straightedge and glue the parts together. Only a few common household items are needed: scissors, paper clips, a sharp knife and toothpicks or a fine brush (for applying glue).

Designed not only for flying, these serpentlike monsters of mythology also make eye-catching decorations and whimsical mobiles. Paper engineers, dragon lovers as well as youngsters of all ages can look forward to hours of fun-filled entertainment with this easily affordable collection.

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