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Nikkei Donburi
A Japanese American Cultural Survival Guide
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Nikkei Donburi
A Japanese American Cultural Survival Guide

By Chris Aihara
1999, 124 pages, Paperback.
Book Description from Back Cover
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Book Description from Back Cover

A publication of the Japanese American Cultural & Community Center (JACCC).

A 125 page hands-on publication designed for families and a useful school and educational resource. Arts and crafts projects, traditional recipes, activities, explanations and information structured around the four seasons.

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Background on Japanese American Cultural & Community Center

Located in the downtown Los Angeles area known as "Little Tokyo," the Japanese American Cultural & Community Center (JACCC) is a cultural and community organization dedicated to the presentation and promotion of Japanese and Japanese American cultural arts. The completion of the JACCC was the dream of visionary Issei and Nisei (first and second generation) Japanese American pioneers who wanted to create a permanent center for the community and its future generations. Completed in phases from 1980-83, the facility includes the five-story Center Building housing the museum-quality George J. Doizaki Gallery, conference room facilities, the award-winning James Irvine Japanese Garden, and the Plaza designed by Isamu Noguchi. The 880-seat Japan America Theatre adjacent to the Center Building is the venue for presentations ranging from performances of Grand Kabuki to contemporary work by Japanese American artists.

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