BY YEN LE ESPIRITU - 1997, 145 pages, paperback.

Volume 1 in the Gender Lens Series

From the back cover -
About the Volume
In Asian American Women and Men: Labor, Laws, and Love, Yen Espiritu analyzes how race, gender, and class simultaneously shape the relations between Asian American men and women by drawing from a wide range of interdisciplinary research and writings in sociology, as well as Asian American Studies, Ethnic Studies, Women's Studies, and Cultural Studies. Espiritu's conceptualization recognizes gender as an organizing principal in the social system and provides a structure to analyze the relationship between Asian American men and women in the home, community, fields, factories, offices, and in the government.

About the Series
This book series has been conceptualized as a way of encouraging the development of a sociological understanding of gender by offering a "Gender Lens".

What do we mean by a "gender lens"? A "gender lens" means working to make gender visible in social phenomena; asking if, how, and why social processes, standards, and opportunities differ systematically for women and men. It also means recognizing that gender inequality is inextricably braided with other systems of inequality. The Gender Lens series is committed to social change directed toward eradicating these inequalities.

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