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Conscience and the Constitution
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Conscience and the Constitution

Written, produced and directed by Frank Abe
2000, 56 Minutes, Color, Video.
Description from Back Cover
Comments from Back Cover
Producer's Website

ORDER -- Item #2930, Price $29.95

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Description from Back Cover

In World War II, a handful of young Americans refused to be drafted from an American concentration camp. They were ready to fight for their country, but not before the government restored their rights as U.S. citizens and released their families from camp. It was the largest organized resistance to the incarceration, leading to the largest trial for draft resistance in U.S. history. The dissidents served two years in prison, and for the next 50 were written out of history... until now. This powerful film has moved audiences nationwide and changed the way we look at this period of American history. With the voices of George Takei ("Star Trek") and Mako ("The Sand Pebbles").

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Comments from Back Cover

- John Hartl, Seattle Times

"An emotionally charged documentary-will probably have a major impact on the Japanese American community's current debate over this hot-button issue"
- Robbert Ito, The Independent Film and Video

"Incendiary-There's no pulling at heartstrings or brow-beating here. There's no need to, the material speaks for itself-Guaranteed to raise controversy."
- Allen DeSouza, Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film & Video Festival

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Awards Won

Best Featured Film:
• Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film & Video Festival
• Vermont International Film Festival (War and Peace)

Best Documentary:
• San Luis Obispo International Film Festival
• New York International Independent Film & Video Festival

Best Music Score:
• Emerald City Awards, Seattle

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Most recent revision June 28, 2004