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Living in Color
The Art of Hideo Date
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Living in Color
The Art of Hideo Date

By Karin Higa
2001, 63 pages, Hardback.
Book Description from Back Cover
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Book Description from Back Cover

Hideo Date (b. 1907) is a painter ripe for rediscovery. His art is characterized by sinuous line, bold color, fantastic images, and stunning technique; his life by courage and a single-minded pursuit of beauty. This book accompanies a retrospective exhibition organized by the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles.

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Background on Karin Higa

Karin Higa is director of curatorial and exhibitions and senior curator of art at the Japanese American National Museum, where she oversees the development of exhibitions and the permanent collection of the museum. Ms. Higa has taught at Mills College, UC Irvine, and Otis Institute of Art and Design.

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