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Grandparents Song
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Grandparents Song

By Sheila Hamanaka
2003, 29 pages, hardback.
Book Description from the Front Cover Flap

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Book Description from the Front Cover Flap

My Eyes are green
like the sea, like the sea
And my hair is dark and
flows free, flows free.

Sing of your parents, and your grandparents too, and picture a magnificent family tree. Its roots are deep, nurtured with the lives of ancestors. Some left willingly for the new land, others did not - many were already here! Their blood flows in your viens; their strength lies in your heart.

Inspired by American folk art, Sheila Hamanaka, author and illustrator of the best-selling ALL THE COLORS OF THE EARTH, has created vibrant, stunningly beautiful illustrations to tell the story of our country's family tree.

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Most recent revision June 16, 2003