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Good Fortune
My Journey to Gold Mountain
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Good Fortune
My Journey to Gold Mountain

By Li Keng Wong
2006, 136 pages, Hardback.
Book Description from the Front Cover Flap
Comments from Back Cover
About the Author

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Book Description from the Front Cover Flap

I looked down at the sidewalk and frowned. Baba saw my unhappy look. "What's the matter, Li Keng?"

"Someone back in our village told me the streets were paved with gold," I answered. "They aren't and I'm very disappointed."

The year is 1933, and seven-year-old Li Keng Gee's life is about to change forever. Her father has decided to bring his family from their small village in southern China to join him in "Gold Mountain," the United States.

Li Keng, her mother, and two sisters embark on a remarkable journey that takes them halfway around the world. Getting to America is not easy. They travel by foot, by train, and by boat. Even more difficult is getting past America's strict anti-Chinese immigration laws. Any misstep could mean deportation and disgrace for the Gee family.

In this dramatic and entertaining memoir, author Li Keng Wong shares the joys and sorrows of her family's pursuit of the American Dream during a time of racism and great poverty, but also immense opportunity.

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Comments from Back Cover

"Li Keng Wong's personal account of her journey to America adds a much needed additional chapter to America's immigration narrative. Her lively story helps illustrate immigration from a young person's perspective and shares rich details of life in China and in America during the 1930s."
- Erika Gee, Director of Education, Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation

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Background on Li Keng Wong

The first person in her family to attend college, LI KENG WONG taught elementary school in the San Francisco Bay area for more than thirty-five years. Now retired, she often shares her family's immigration experiences with schools and community organizations. An avid supporter of the Angel Island Immigration Station, Ms. Wong enjoys reading, volunteering at local senior centers, playing mah jong, and spending time with her three grandchildren. She lives in a small city across the bay from San Francisco. good fortune is her first book for young readers.

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Most recent revision May 27, 2006