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Hmong and American
Stories of Transition to a Strange Land
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Hmong and American
Stories of Transition to a Strange Land

By Sue Murphy Mote
2004, 306 pages, Paperback.
Book Description from Back Cover
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Book Description from Back Cover

The Hmong were driven out of Laos by the turmoil of the Vietnam War and settled in America in such large numbers that they are now the second largest Southeast Asian population in the United States.

Twelve Hmong immigrants, including a female shaman, an ex-military officer, a reformed gang member, a doctor, and a woman who was snatched from her mountain village at the age of eight, deposited in Laos’s French culture and finally returned to Laos years later, tell their stories of struggling with American life while preserving the values of their own ancient culture. The author also considers the 5,000 years of Hmong history and its lasting influence.

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Background on Sue Murphy Mote

Sue Murphy Mote has been a feature writer and editor for newspapers in Northern California. She is a freelance writer living in Richmond, California.

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