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The Oracles
My Filipino Grandparents In America
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The Oracles
My Filipino Grandparents In America

By Pati Navalta Poblete
2006, 125 pages, Paperback.
Book Description from Back Cover
Comment from Back Cover
About the Author

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Book Description from Back Cover

As a young girl growing up in California, Pati Navalta Poblete is dismayed to find her American way of life interrupted when her four grandparents arrive from the Philippines. Turning her adolescence upside down, they inspire her to name them "the Oracles" for the unfamiliar-and often unsolicited-wisdom they bring.

Poblete tells her story of generational strife and familial clash of values with tenderness and humor. In sharp and unforgettable glimpses we see the shadows of superstition, the force of religion, and the embrace of family-sometimes welcome, sometimes not. Only years later did she begin to understand how much she had needed the Oracles to bring her own heritage to her door.

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Comment from Back Cover

"Pati Navalta Poblete's memoir is a typical story of an American childhood. When her grandmother, Fausta, arrives from the Philippines, the American childhood then becomes a multigenerational tale of familial myth-making and vivid storytelling."
-Shawn Wong, author of Homebase and American Knees, and co-editor of Aiiieeeee!: An Anthology of Asian American Writers

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Background on Pati Navalta Poblete

Pati Navalta Poblete is an award-winning columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle. She has also served as the paper's demographics editor, supervising a team of reporters who cover race relations, religion, gay and lesbian topics, immigration, and youth and aging.

Poblete was born in San Francisco and has lived in the Bay Area her entire life. She graduated from the University of California at Davis with a bachelor's degree in English. She currently lives in Vallejo with her two children, Robby and Julie.

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