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The Zoo
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The Zoo

By Suzy Lee
First American Edition 2007, 32 pages, Hardback.
Book Description from Back Cover
About the Author

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Book Description from Back Cover

A little girl's trip to the zoo becomes an extraordinary, imaginative, fun-filled animal adventure. Meanwhile, her parents experience an alarming adventure of their own. This book for animal lovers, dreamers, (and their parents) turns an ordinary trip to the zoo into a day no one will ever forget.

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Background on Suzy Lee

Suzy Lee is an artist and illustrator, born in Seoul, Korea. She received her BFA in painting from Seoul National University and her MA in Book Arts from Camberwell College of Arts, London. Her books and paintings have won numerous international awards and have been featured in exhibitions worldwide.

She currently lives and works in Houston, Texas.

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Most recent revision June 13, 2007