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Hello Hello

By Fumiko Takeshita
Illustrated by Jun Takabatake
First American Edition 2006, 31 pages, Paperback.
Book Description from Back Cover
Comments from Back Cover
About the Author

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Book Description from the Publisher's Website

It used to be we could only write letters, now we can use the telephone! It's fast and easy! How will we communicate in the future? Young readers will discover the concept of this great invention along with a quick history of this technological advancement.

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Comments from the Publisher's Website

"...a great start to talking seriously with your kiddo about the phone and the right way to use it."
- Jelly Mom

"A fun story about the many uses of the telephone."
- Kids Bookshelf

"A simple, sweet and straightforward explanation of the evolution of communication, from face-to-face interactions, to letter writing, to the integration of telephones into all aspects of our lives."
- Curled Up Kids

"A fun and educational experience. A great asset to both parents and pre-school teachers!"
- Suite 101

"You have no idea how many parents and preschool teachers want simple books like this about basic things for their young children."
- A Chair, a Fireplace, and a Tea Cozy

"...inspires consideration of how similar people around the world, are in their desire to communicate with one another for so many similar reasons."
- Catholic Library World

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Background on Fumiko Takeshita

Fumiko Takeshita was born in 1957 in Fukuoka. She studied elementary education at the Tokyo Gakugei University before becoming an author of children's books. She has published several books with her illustrator husband, Mamoru Suzuki, including The Park Bench.

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