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Wordsworth the Poet
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Wordsworth the Poet

By Frances H. Kakugawa
Illustrated by Scott Goto
2003, 32 pages, Hardback.

Book Description from Back Cover
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Book Description from Back Cover

Wordsworth wrote poetry - about rainbows made of butterflies and castles in the clouds. But everyone made fun of Wordsworth and his poems - until the day the sun disappeared, and the sky rumbled, and the rain began to fall, and fall, and fall...

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Publisher's Description

Wordsworth writes poetry — about rainbows made of butterflies and castles in the clouds. But all the other mice in the Hawaiian rain forest make fun of Wordsworth and his “silly” poems, until the day the sun disappears, and the sky rumbles, and the rain begins to fall and fall. That’s when Wordsworth takes pen in hand and shows the others how poetry can save the day. In this delightful children’s story by poet and educator Frances H. Kakugawa, young readers learn the value of self-expression through poetry.

The 32-page book is an ideal tool for home or classroom use, making readers comfortable with poetry and encouraging them to try writing their own. Wordsworth the Poet provides a memorable introduction to the power of poetry for children of all ages. Wordsworth was the recipient of the 2004 Ka Palapala Book Award for Excellence in Children’s Books.

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Background on Frances Kakugawa

Frances Kakugawa was born and raised in the lava devastated town of Kapoho, on the Big Island of Hawaii. It was there that she gained her initial inspiration to become a teacher, writer, and poet.

Frances Kakugawa was a teacher for many years in the Michigan and Hawaii public school systems. She conducted language arts workshops for teachers in Micronesia and in Hawaii, and was also a curriculum writer and lecturer for the University of Hawaii. In 2002, she was recognized in the book, "Living Legacy: Outstanding Women of the 20th Century in Hawaii."

Today, she continues to write, conducts writing support groups for caregivers, gives writing workshops for adults and children, and lectures on caregiving and writing throughout the United States.

Some of her most recent books include - Mosaic Moon: Caregiving through Poetry, Teacher, You Look Like a Horse: Lessons from the Classroom, and the storybooks Wordsworth the Poet, and Wordsworth Dances the Waltz.

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