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Asian Reflections on the American Landscape
Identifying and Interpreting Asian Heritage
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Asian Reflections on the American Landscape
Identifying and Interpreting Asian Heritage

By National Park Service, US Department of the Interior, Brian D. Joyner
2005, 80 pages, Paperback.

Book Description from the Book's Executive Summary

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Book Description from the Book's Executive Summary

Asian Reflections on the American Landscape: Identifying and Interpreting Asian Heritage highlights the cultural imprint of Asian groups on the built environment of the United States. It is part of an effort by the National Park Service and its partners to increase the awareness of the historic places associated with the nation's cultural and ethnic groups that have been identified, documented, recognized, and interpreted and to lay the groundwork for the identification of additional historic places. Many of the examples in this publication are drawn from National Park Service cultural resources programs that are carried out in partnership with other government agencies and private organizations.

Documented Asian contact with the North American continent dates back to at least to the middle of the 16th century. Asian ethnic groups participated in the early settlement of the United States, contributed to the economic development of the American West, and played a role in the desegregation of public schools in the United States in the 20th century. Aspects of Asian cultures influence our language, our palette, and our landscape.

Studies of Asian American culture began in earnest during the middle of the 20th century. Scholars are increasingly documenting the role of Asians in American cultural life and the impact of discriminatory legislation on Asian communities in the United States.

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