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Secret Asian Man
The Daily Days
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Secret Asian Man
The Daily Days

By Tak Toyoshima
2009, 231 pages, Paperback.

Book Description from Back Cover
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About the Author

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Book Description from Back Cover

Groups. We all find ourselves in them. Racial groups, religious groups, political groups. But no matter what group we find ourselves in, there are always dynamics that occur when these groups meet. Cat people vs. dog people, righties vs. lefties, Macs vs. PCs. These are the things that fascinate Osamu "SAM" Takahashi. Art director by day, aspiring comic strip artist at night, SAM's world is filled with observations about what makes us the same or different. Between these covers you will find over two years of SAM's life. Prepare to embark on an adventure that is sure to leave you thinking of people and the groups we belong to in a whole new way.

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Comments from Back Cover

Dagwood he isn't. Secret Asian Man, S.A.M., doesn't bumble, he doesn't dither, he doesn't beat around the bush, and he doesn't live in a comic land of make-believes. He lives in our country and in your face. And people like him that way."
-Susanna Baird, The Boston Globe

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Background on Tak Toyoshima

Tak Toyoshima was born and raised in NYC's Tribeca on the borders of Chinatown, Little Italy and Soho ... a petri dish of cultural conflicts and amazing socialogical fusion. He currently lives in Boston with his wife and two sons. Tak is also the creative director of the award winning Boston's Weekly Dig newspaper.

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