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Girl's Day
In Hawai'i with Yuki-chan
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Girl's Day
In Hawai'i with Yuki-chan

By Tokie Ikeda Ching
Illustrated by Sets Arai
2007, 40 pages, Hardback.

Book Description from Back Cover
About the Author and Illustrator

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Book Description from Back Cover

Join Yuki-chan and her adopted family as they prepare to celebrate Girl's Day. Even though Yuki is originally from Japan, this is her first real introduction to all the customs - from placing the dolls on seven steps, to preparing small tea cakes and sweets for the dolls and her friends. Dressed in brightly decorated kimonos, Yuki-chan and her friends gather with their dolls to celebrate this festival of peach blossoms.

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Background on the Author and Illustrator

Tokie Ikeda Ching is a Sansei (3rd generation), born in Kaumana, a little town in Hilo. Both her grandparents and parents practiced, taught, and instilled the importance of Japanese traditions.

After graduating from the University of Hawai'i, Ching taught at various elementary schools in the Honolulu district for thirty-eight years.

Ching lives with her husband, Woody, in Hawai'i Kai and they have one adopted daughter from Japan, five children, and four grandsons. Her first children's book is titled A Hawai'i Japanese New Year with Yuki-chan.


Born and raised in Osaka, Japan. Sets Arai came to Hawaii from Okinawa in 1963. While working at a local bank, Arai took art classes. Upon retirement, she began oil painting and currently, focuses on painting portraits.

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