April 2022 Newsletter

Newsletter Index
• Editor's Message • Events • A Barefoot Boy From Hilo: Starting to Make It Big by Selling Flowers (Part of the Mas Hongo Interview Series) • The Start of Our Author's Corner: Video Presentations by Authors • Featured Books

Editor's Message

Hello AACP Newsletter Readers.

I’m going to try to keep this message short along with the newsletter this month. I’ve been rather busy with various things including preparing for an event in Cupertino this weekend (Cupertino Cherry Blossom Festival, April 30 and May 1). It’s been a number of years since we’ve gone to this event. We hope to see you there.

Thank you to all the publishers and authors that are sending us samples of their books. We appreciate it and I wish I had time to give you a more personal thank you. Please keep up the sending of books and information everyone.

Now all we need are more volunteers to help review the books. We’re getting close to the summer vacation months. If you or someone you know has some free time this summer, we’d really appreciate some help as an intern and/or volunteer. Reviewing books and working on this newsletter are some of the things you could be doing. Please contact us for more information.

As things are starting to open up and events are starting to go back to in-person, I’m starting to hear more about them. Thanks to those that are sending us information. I’ll try to post your notices in our newsletter calendars (see below).


For this month’s article(s), one of them is not quite an article. I’m just going to let you know of some videos that authors created for our presentations at the California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE) Virtual Conference. Our author friends created some wonderful presentations. Please have a look.

If you like these presentations, we’re thinking of having regular author postings on our YouTube channel. So if you’re an author that’s given us a sample copy of your book and we like it, let us know if you’d like to create a presentation for your book that we can add to our channel.

The other article for this newsletter is a continuation of the Mas Hongo Interviews Series. We were originally thinking of including his career with the California Flower Market, but we had quite a bit of material on his experience with the family orchid farm that we couldn’t even completely fit in this segment of the series.


April is poetry month and we couldn’t let it go by without feature some poetry books in our featured books section. For you poetry lovers, please take the time to check out these titles.

In addition, we’ve included a few flower and gardening books to go along with the spring theme of our main article.

We round off our featured books with eight new children’s picture books, children's chapter books, and young adult books.


Much thanks to Mina for your help with the transcriptions of the Mas interviews, Susan for your help in conducting the original interviews with Mas, and Philip with your continued help with the newsletter.

Thank you very much Mas.

We hope you all enjoy this edition of the newsletter and your spring.

Take care.


Leonard Chan

Executive Editor


May 7: All Aboard the Eastbound Train

A Musical Performance Honoring the Chinese Railroad Workers


May 27, 4-8pm: 2nd annual AAPI Heritage Community Celebration

The Community Foundation of San Carlos and Devil's Canyon Brewer are host their event at Address is 935 Washington St, San Carlos, CA 94070


If you have an event that you would like us to mention and or to participate in, please feel free to let us know.

A Barefoot Boy From Hilo

Starts to Make It Big by Selling Flowers

(Part of the Mas Hongo Interview Series)

Interviewed by Leonard Chan (L) and Susan Tanioka (S)

With transcriptions by Mina Harada Eimon

Edited by Leonard Chan

Vanda orchid like the ones that the Hongos grew in Hawaii (photo taken by L. Chan)

This transcription of interviews done with Masanori Hongo is a continuation of the article we did in February 2022.

Because it’s spring time, we decided to skip ahead to after World War II, to when Mas got into the flower growing and selling business. Upon coming back from his military service and finishing college, Mas and his family had a successful flower growing operation in Hawaii which would eventually lead him to flower sales on the mainland, and then becoming the manager of the California Flower Market in San Francisco (the CA Flower Market was a significant Japanese American owned business that will be covered in a future segment of the Mas Hongo Interview Series).

The Mas Hongo Interview Series Continues:

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The Start of Our Author's Corner

Video Presentations by Authors

This is the start of what we hope to be an on going author's video presentation series.

To start off the series, we're using videos from authors that did presentations for us at the California Association of Bilingual Education Conference in 2022.

Click on the following images to be taken to the corresponding YouTube video or just click on the buttom below to be taken to our Author's Corner web page with the embedded YouTube videos.

Felicia Hoshino Presents Her Children's Book

"Sora and the Cloud"

Oliver Chin Presents His Chinese Zodiac Series of Children's Books

Trần Thị Minh Phước's Presents Her Children's Book

"All About Vietnam"

Oliver Chin Presents Children's Books by

Ying Chang Compestine

Author's Corner

Featured Books

View full descriptions of all these featured books at Bookshop.org where you'll also have the opportunity to purchase them.

Children's Books

Children's Chapter Books and Young Adults

Special Poetry Month Selection

Flowers, Gardens, and Gardening