Between the Newsletters Blog

November 2021

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November 3, 2021

Hello AACP Blog Readers.

We posted our October 2021 Newsletter. Have a look.

I wanted to include some photos with our emailed version of the newsletter, but didn’t get them in time. You that are seeing it here online will be fortunate to see them.

Since the writing of my October Newsletter editor’s message, I saw an AP article, titled “COVID-19 memorial creators reflect as world nears 5M deaths,” that relates to my message. There are people that are working hard to memorialize those that we lost to COVID and make the impact more real for those that may not understanding the dangers of this virus. I commend their efforts.

The “In America: Remember” memorial flag exhibit that was in Washington, DC, has a website with teacher’s guides, and resources for families and the public. Check it out.

That's all for now. Take care.


Leonard Chan

Artist Suzanne Brennan Firstenberg’s In America: Remember art exhibit first displayed outside RFK Stadium (in Washington, DC) in 2020. Photo was taken by Bruce Guthrie. The flags represent people that have died from COVID-19 in the United States.